Ranking Analysis

This report shows the positions of your Web site in the search engine results

For: Doyles Room Affiliates
Created on: 6/24/2008

Search engine / KeywordCompetitionPositionResults Page
  affiliate marketing definition 430,000   9 1  
  affiliate marketing referral 277,000   7 ( 2) 1  
  affiliate poker associate 1,150,000   1   1  
  affiliate poker marketing 273,000   2   1  
  affiliate poker online 491,000   5   1  
  affiliate poker program 422,000   9   1  
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  internet poker affiliates 472,000   2 1  
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  top rated poker associate websites 398,000   1   1  
  doyles room affiliate -   8   1  

Ranking change summary: Found (): 110, Up (): 25, Added (): 17.